Thank you for downloading "The Orion Project". Remember gamers "A man returns to his woman, like a dog returns to its vomit". DREAD STRAWN ------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ To install "The Orion Project" TYPE "install" at A: B: or C: prompt. Install.bat will create the directory c:\orionx To start the game TYPE "orion" at the c:\orionx prompt. ______________________________________________________________________________ For information reguarding loading and running of this game send E-MAIL to; attn. DREAD Compuserve:70571,2315 For information on ordering registered versions of this and other games: send E-MAIL to: Vir-Tech Labs Compuserve:73051,376 or call: Vir-Tech Labs 1-800-486-5596 or write: Vir-Tech Labs P.O. Box 530757 Grand Prairie, TX 75053